President Kenyatta backs KMRC’s affordable housing journey

President Uhuru Kenyatta has hailed the affordable housing’s positive direction in Kenya’s transformative social-economic journey.

Addressing the nation from Parliament on his Seventh State of the Nation Address, President Uhuru welcomed the incorporation and capitalization of the Kenya Mortgage Refinancing Company (KMRC) as a key cog of his affordable housing pillar under the Big Four agenda.

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KMRC lends out SH.2.75B for Affordable Housing

Nairobi: Thursday, December 17, 2020: The Kenya Mortgage Refinancing Company (KMRC) has today disbursed Sh.2.75 billion to participating primary mortgage lenders (PMLs)

KCB Bank, HF Bank, Stima Sacco and Tower Sacco have each received Sh.2.13 billion, Sh.514million, Sh.69 million and Sh.29 million respectively, marking KMRC’s debut lending since its start. This first disbursement is drawn from the World Bank line of credit.

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