Member and other documents
- RAK Newsletter – 10th edition
- Legal, Policy and Institutional Review of Affordable Housing Sector in Kenya
- Mission, values and actions UM
- Urban Futures, co-designing the cityÂ
- Etude sur le logement abordable et coopératif à travers l’exemple de la Cité FSH
- Case studies on Access to land and finance for community-led housing – 2
- Case studies on Access to land and finance for community-led housing – 1
- Study on citizen financing mechanisms for affordable housing production in Africa
- WBG Materials
- Net-Zero Homes – November 2022
- RAK Newsletter – 9th edition
- Housing for all Egyptians
- Adequate housing in Namibia: an introduction
- CASE OF WINDHOEK : Affordable Housing in Namibia
- Introduction to the Housing Finance Course for Sub-Saharan Africa 2022
- Green Financing for Affordable Housing
- Effective housing finance: Data lessons from other jurisdictions
- AUHF Coffee session with Lew Schulman(iBuild Global) presentation
- Housing and Urbanisation in Africa: Unleashing a formal market process
- Impact investing: Lower cost housing as foundation for impact
- European Mortgage Info
- Tanzania Mortgage Market Update
- Case studies in Financing Human Settlements in Africa: Appropriate Legislative Frameworks and Innovations in Implementation
- Draft Africa Common Position on Habitat III
- Addressing Africa’s Rapid Urbanisation and Growing Demand for Affordable Housing to Effectively Reduce Informal Settlements
- Presentation at the KPDA CEO Morning Learning Session by the Housing Finance Foundation
- Draft Summary Framework for African Common Position on Habitat III
- Promoting Financial Inclusion to Provide a Wide Range of Housing Options Accessible to the Under Served Markets
- 10% Subsidy for AUHF Members to Attend the Housing Finance Course for Sub-Saharan Africa
- Framework for the Establishment of an African Low Income Housing Finance Facility
- Case Study: The Role of Mortgage Liquidity Facilities in Housing Finance: Lessons Learned from Egypt, Tanzania, Nigeria and Malaysia
- Case Study: The Transformation of the Housing Finance Company of Kenya
- Draft Abuja Declaration
- Affordable Housing: Tackling the Challenges
- Public-Private Dialogue: Accelerating the Provision of Affordable Housing to Address the Housing Backlog
- Bridging the Gap: Housing Finance and Policy
- The Bauspar System in Europe: A Success Story
- The Bauspar System in Europe: A Success Story
- German Housing Market and Housing Finance System
- Working paper 4 – Long term finance in Côte d’Ivoire: Analysis of the Housing Finance sector
- From Counting Houses, to Making Houses Count: Publicly Available Administrative Data on Subsidised Housing
- Legal framework & Requirements for Bauspar Systems
- German Housing Market: Structure, Challenges and Perspectives
- CAHF Case studies
- FSD Kenya
- International Finance Corporation
- Member publications
- Other publications
- urbaMonde