The Benefits of Joining the AUHF
Established in 1984, the AUHF serves as the primary representative body for Africa’s housing sector. As such the AUHF plays a critical role in supporting market development towards improved efficiencies, better practices, streamlined engagement and effective interventions to address the challenges that undermine working housing markets in Africa. The AUHF provides a collective voice for engagement with Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), governments and other sector-support bodies and initiatives at the local, national and regional and international levels.
Since 2010, the AUHF has partnered with the Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (CAHF). CAHF acts as the Secretariat of the AUHF, while also providing significant other benefits to the partnership, as the leading housing research and housing data collection organisation on the continent.
By joining our network, not only do you make an impact on the bigger housing related issues facing our continent, but your organisation itself will receive many direct benefits.
- Monthly AUHF newsletter highlighting recent housing-related developments.
- Information on upcoming housing related events and conferences, often at a discounted price for AUHF members.
- Access to credible housing related research and data, in French and English, through our partnership with the Centre for Affordable Housing Finance (CAHF).
- Inclusion and highlight in the CAHF Yearbook “Housing Finance in Africa: A review of Africa’s housing finance markets”.
- Annual AUHF Conference showcasing developments in the housing sector.
- AUHF social media services.
- Access to AUHF members and their networks across Africa .
- By association to the AUHF your organisation will be linked to an industry body with a long established track record on the African continent.
- Increased influence through participation in an industry body which acts as a collective voice for housing related challenges in Africa.
- Access to the AUHF and CAHF networks, across the continent and internationally.
- AUHF networking engagements amongst partner organisations and Development Finance Institutions.
- Increased visibility through the considerable AUHF marketing including inclusion in the AUHF website, AUHF newsletter, AUHF Conference and all AUHF branded material.
- Consideration for case study write up by CAHF.
- Inclusion in relevant CAHF and AUHF seminars / webinars.
- AUHF scholarships and discounts to accredited housing finance courses for AUHF members
- AUHF member study tours and information exchange programmes facilitated.
- AUHF discounts to external housing conferences negotiated for members.
- Access to considerable content knowledge specialists through AUHF and CAHF networks.
- Support from fellow AUHF members with direct experience on the continent.
- Access to considerable institutional and sector knowledge on the continent.
- Access to content knowledge from AUHF Secretariat and CAHF Research Managers for the different regions in Africa.
- Listed as a signatory to the annual AUHF declaration.
- Participate in lobbying and advocacy agenda for the sector on the continent.
- Engage in macro-economic policy support for the afforable housing sector.
- Engage with regional bodies such as the African Union and UN-Habitat.
- Engage with international bodies such as the International Union for Housing Finance (IUHF).
- Participate in a growing Community of Housing Finance Practitioners on the continent
- Bring innovation to the sector.
- Build collective body of knowledge of the sector to make the sector more efficient and effective.
- Bring awareness to key issues such as the effects of climate change, job creation and gender equity in the sector
- Bring awareness to key issues such as the effects of climate change, job creation and gender equity in the sector.
Any mortgage bank, micro-lender, Development Finance Institution, housing developer, housing related NGO, research organisation, housing content specialist working and investing in Africa. .
Annual membership fees
The membership fee is prorated for admissions during the course of the year. Organisations may apply to pay their membership fee in installments. Membership is payable in a lump sum, annually. Bi-annual invoicing can be arranged, however, no member benefits are available unless members are current on their account, fully paid up for the current financial year.
Banks, Financiers, Capital
Large organisations
For organisations with more than 10 staff members and/or AUM of more than $100 000
Banks, Financiers, Capital
Small organisations
For organisations with 10 staff members or less and/or AUM of less than $100 000
Developers (Suppliers)
Large organisations
For organisations with more than 10 staff members and/or AUM of more than $100 000
Developers (Suppliers)
Small organisations
For organisations with 10 staff members or less and/or AUM of less than $100 000
Prop-tech (Suppliers)
Large organisations
For organisations with more than 10 staff members and/or AUM of more than $100 000
Prop-tech (Suppliers)
Small organisations
For organisations with less than 10 staff members and/or AUM of less than $100 000
Other organisations
Academic / research / industry service providers
For organisations with more than 10 staff members and/or AUM of more than $100 000
Membership is confirmed only when a first payment is received.
Applicants who have been approved for membership but who have not paid their first fee within three months will have the approval revoked, subject to the discretion of the Board.