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About MDW

Meyer De Waal, a practising attorney and director of MDW Inc (1998/23947/21), opened his own practice MDW INC as a conveyancing and estate expert in Cape Town, specialising in the administration of deceased estates, drafting of wills and trusts.  

His legal and conveyancing background, through his participation in raising funds and subsequently constructing houses in the Mfuleni township project, which saw ground-breaking home ownership education programmes for the employees of African Bank and also a home ownership education programme for a tenant base of almost 13 000 Just Property tenants, inspired the services he offers which include Rent2buy, My Budget Fitness, Consumer Housing Education and My Bond Fitness as well as a FLISP assistance service. 

The home ownership programme was developed in 2017 for African Bank staff members and it is still the flagship programme for assisting and equipping first time home buyers with the tools and knowledge on how to go about acquiring their own homes, applying for property finance and accessing available FLISP subsidies.



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