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Upgrade membership

Please select the same membership level as selected on your application form to continue with payment.

Large organisations


$2 500est. annual fee

R41 250

For organisations with more than 10 staff members and/or AUM of more than $100 000

Calculated in Rands (ZAR) at the time of invoicing
The membership fee is prorated for admissions during the course of the year

Small organisations


$1 250est. annual fee

R20 625

For organisations with 10 staff members or less and/or AUM of less than $100 000

Calculated in Rands (ZAR) at the time of invoicing
The membership fee is prorated for admissions during the course of the year

Large organisations


$1 250est. annual fee

R20 625

For organisations with more than 10 staff members and/or AUM of more than $100 000

Calculated in Rands (ZAR) at the time of invoicing
The membership fee is prorated for admissions during the course of the year

Small organisations


$625est. annual fee

R10 312,50

For organisations with 10 staff members or less and/or AUM of less than $100 000

Calculated in Rands (ZAR) at the time of invoicing
The membership fee is prorated for admissions during the course of the year

Large organisations


$250est. annual fee

R4 125

For organisations with more than 10 staff members and/or AUM of more than $100 000

Calculated in Rands (ZAR) at the time of invoicing
The membership fee is prorated for admissions during the course of the year

Small organisations


$100est. annual fee

R1 650

For organisations with more than 10 staff members and/or AUM of more than $100 000

Calculated in Rands (ZAR) at the time of invoicing
The membership fee is prorated for admissions during the course of the year